Microsoft recently announced AI Odyssey, an ambitious initiative launched on January 8, aimed at training 100,000 Indian developers in advanced AI technologies and tools. This program offers an extensive educational experience, enabling developers to acquire and showcase skills pertinent to executing significant AI-driven projects that align with business objectives and outcomes, as reported by IANS.
Irina Ghose, Microsoft India’s Managing Director, remarked in a statement, “AI is the future of innovation and India is leading the way with its tech talent. The Microsoft Applied Skills credential will help developers demonstrate their competence and creativity in the most in-demand AI skills and scenarios.”
Through initiatives like AI Odyssey, Microsoft is offering developers the chance to craft solutions that contribute to India’s development and prove their capability in tackling real-world challenges.
Developers interested in this opportunity need to register to gain access to the program’s resources and learning modules, as well as participate in the training. The month-long program is open to all AI enthusiasts in India, irrespective of their background or experience level.
To complete the program, participants must clear both stages by January 31. The first stage focuses on teaching how to create and apply AI solutions in various contexts using Azure AI services, supplemented by resources, code examples, and instructional guides to foster practical AI skills.
In the program’s second stage, participants must demonstrate their AI expertise by completing interactive lab exercises and an online assessment. Successful completion awards them the Microsoft Applied Skills credential, a new and verifiable testament to their ability to apply AI for real-world problem-solving.