Future Generali India Life Insurance announced on Friday, last week that Alok Rungta will assume the role of Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer (MD & CEO) effective April 1, 2024, pending regulatory approvals. Rungta, a chartered accountant, currently holds the position of deputy CEO and Chief Financial Officer (CFO), bringing with him a wealth of experience and expertise, as stated by the company. Until March 31, Bruce De Broize will continue to serve as MD & CEO.
Jaime Anchustegui Melgarejo, CEO International at Generali, expressed confidence in Rungta’s appointment, highlighting his leadership skills and extensive market knowledge. Rungta’s career spans over 25 years, including executive roles in insurance firms across the Philippines, Hong Kong, and India. He played a pivotal role in enhancing Future Generali India’s customer acquisition, engagement, sales innovation, and digital enablement strategies.
Rungta expressed his gratitude for the opportunity, emphasizing his commitment to building upon the company’s successes and fostering growth in the dynamic Indian market. He aims to introduce fresh perspectives, expand the company’s reach, and enhance value for customers and stakeholders.